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 (N)ew file scan

 This command will locate any files that are new since the specified date
 in the directories that you specify.

  (date) = date from which search for new files begins.
           NOTE:  If you pass the date on the command line (e.g.,
                  N;030394;A) and you want to specify only the files
                  since your last scan then you would enter an S instead
                  of an actual date.
  #      = Directory number to search.  Also valid is a range in the
           format #-# or a list in a #;#;# format.
  A      = Search all file directories in the current conference.
  U      = Search the upload directory of the current conference.
  D      = Flag files found for later download.
  S      = Scan for files added since date of your most recent file scaned
  NS     = Screen output is displayed in nonstop or continuous mode.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson